Republic of Senegal
- Capital: Dakar (population 3,520,200)
- Official language: French
- Area: 196,712 km2 (2,1% Water)
- Population: 15,851,000 (2017)
- Population density: 82.3/km2
- Population growth rate: 3.0% (average annual)
- Life expectancy at birth in years: 67.5/63.8 (females/males)
- Human Development Index: 0.505 (rank 164 – low)
- Expected years of schooling: 9.7 years
- Time zone: GMT (UTC +0)
- GDP: USD 13,633,000 (2017)
- GDP per capita: USD 901.1 (2017)
- Major trading partners:
- Export: Mali, Switzerland and India
- Import: France, China and Nigeria
- Tourist/visitor arrivals at national borders: 1,007,000 (2017)
Data via United Nations Statistics Division and UNDP
Flag of Senegal
Map of regions in Senegal