Olympische Spiele: Architektur Und Gestaltung. Berlin – Munchen – Stuttgart
Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung
Bearbeitet von Bohl, Peter / Friedrich, Markus
ISBN / Artikel-Nr: 978-3-17-036208-6
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Seiten: 192
Illustrationen etc.: 152 Abb.
Erschienen: 2018
Maße: 245mm x 215mm x 17mm
Die Olympischen Spiele der Neuzeit sind seit 1896 “das” Weltereignis des Sports. Als globale Medienereignisse stellen sie an Architektur und grafische Gestaltung höchste Anforderungen: der Auftritt muss unverwechselbar und “omnipräsent” sein. Der Katalog wird gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Sportgeschichte Baden-Württemberg e. V. präsentiert, das sein 25jähriges Bestehen feiert. Die Spiele von München 1972 sollten das Gegenmodell zu 1936 werden. Deutschland präsentierte sich weltoffen und modern. Dafür steht das Konzept der “visuellen Kommunikation” von Anton Stankowski und Otl Aicher. Bekannte Architekten aus dem Südwesten, Günter Behnisch, Frei Otto und Fritz Auer, waren in München beteiligt. Der Begleitband zur Ausstellung umfasst neben dem umfangreich bebilderten Katalogteil eine Einführung in die gesellschaftliche, architektonische und kulturelle Bedeutung der Spiele für den Südwesten.
Venue Olympia Schwimmstadion Berlin Olympics Berlin 1936 Architect – Capacity 18,500Seats Olympic Sports Diving, Modern pentathlon (swimming), Swimming, Water polo More informationWikipedia
Venue Berlin Olympic Swim Stadium Olympics Berlin 1936 Architect – Capacity 20.000 seats Olympic Sports Diving, Modern pentathlon (swimming), Swimming, Water polo More informationWikipedia
Director: Stephen Hopkins Starring: Stephan James, Jason Sudeikis, Eli Goree Olympics: Berlin 1936 Based on: The life and achievements of Jesse Owens (historical film footage) More info:Official website
Based on the incredible true story of Jesse Owens, the legendary athletic superstar whose quest to become the greatest track and field athlete in history thrusts him onto the world stage of the 1936 Olympics, where he faces off against Adolf Hitler’s vision of Aryan supremacy. “Race” is an enthralling film about courage, determination, tolerance, and friendship, and an inspiring drama about one man’s fight to become an Olympic legend.
Eddie the Eagle
Director: Dexter Fletcher Starring: Taron Egerton, Hugh Jackman, Tom Costello Jr. Olympics: Calgary 1988 Based on: Eddie Edwards, first competitor to represent Great Britain in Olympic ski jumping (historical film footage) More info:Official website Interesting fact: The film wasn’t shot in Calgary, but in Oberstdorf – Germany (read more)
Inspired by true events, Eddie the Eagle is a feel-good story about Michael “Eddie” Edwards (Taron Egerton), an unlikely but courageous British ski-jumper who never stopped believing in himself – even as an entire nation was counting him out. With the help of a rebellious and charismatic coach (played by Hugh Jackman), Eddie takes on the establishment and wins the hearts of sports fans around the world by making an improbable and historic showing at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. From producers of Kingsman: The Secret Service, Eddie the Eagle stars Taron Egerton as Eddie, the loveable underdog with a never say die attitude.
World records, heroic stories, tears of the losers. The Olympics are the most important international sporting event when, for two weeks, one city is watched by the world.
Universal enthusiasm and a global media presence politicise the games and provide an opportunity for massive investment. Stadiums become symbols of power.
Days of euphoria are followed by disillusionment. Olympic Realities takes the viewer to six places deserted by the Olympic circus.
Bruno Helbling’s architecture photography raises questions of the significance of these monstrous events.
The impressive pictures are accompanied by six controversial essays, each written by an author with a special connection to the particular Olympic city.
Simultaneously provocative and entertaining, they expose the roots of a system of megalomania, corruption and mismanagement.
Olympic Realities is not only a highly aesthetic record of endurance, but also a sharp portrayal of an inescapable recurrence.
Hardback, 206 pages, English & German, 164 color-photographs
Photography by Bruno Helbling Essays by Werner van Gent, Peter Dittmann, Ahmed Buric,
Francesco Pastorelli, Barbara Lüthi and Martin Müller.
Graphic-Design by Lars Egert
Birkhäuser 2015
ISBN 978-3-0356-0631-7