Results Poll of the Month; January 2017

Almaty (Kazachstan) was Candidate City for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Photo by Michael GrauOwn work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link


These large countries (in terms of population and / or size) have never organized the Olympics. Which, do you think, are well able to do so in the future? (Multiple answers possible)

  1. Kazachstan 71%
  2. Argentina 43%
  3. India 29%
  4. None of the above 14%
  5. Indonesia 0%
  6. Pakistan 0%


New poll February 2017; Do you plan on visiting the PyeongChang2018 Winter Olympic Games?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

Let us know what you think! You can find the poll here, or in the sidebar of almost all posts and pages on AotG.