Lausanne: Olympic Capital; Part 7 – Olympic locations in Lausanne (miscellaneous)

Olympic Capital signage

Lausanne Railway Station – Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Palais de Beaulieu – Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games


Countdown clocks

Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games


Ouchy – Olympique Metro Station

Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games



Stade Pierre de Coubertin – Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Stade Juan Antonio Samaranch – Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games


Bust of Pierre de Coubertin

Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games


Rings, rings, rings

Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games
Photo: Martijn Giebels / Architecture of the Games