Architecture of the Games – User survey (April 2016) – Results

First of all, we want to thank those of you who took the time to complete our User Survey! This does help us to determine what we are doing well and what we need to get better at. As promised, here is an overview of the results of the survey;


Most visitors:

  • Found us via a search engine
  • Read AotG since 2-12 months
  • And visit us 2-3 times a week


Continue reading “Architecture of the Games – User survey (April 2016) – Results”

Architecture of the Games – User survey (April 2016)

We are continuously striving to improve Architecture of the Games and your feedback will help us to find out what we need to do better. So we created a survey we would like you to answer. It takes about 2 minutes and all answers will be saved anonymously. Your help is much appreciated!

The results of the survey will be published later this month.

[Run survey on mobile device or in a new tab]


Stats; 2015 in review

© Martijn Giebels / AotG
© Martijn Giebels / AotG

2015 was the second full-year of this blog. An overview of what happened:

Thank you all for visiting Architecture of the Games! 2015 has been an action packed year. And 2016 promises even more, culminating in the Rio 2016 Olympics.

Happy New Year!


Visitors (+28%)

© Martijn Giebels / AotG
© Martijn Giebels / AotG


142 Different Countries (+13%)

© Martijn Giebels / AotG
© Martijn Giebels / AotG


Ten most popular articles in 2015

  1. London 2012; Transformation Olympic Stadium (4)
  2. Rio 2016; Concept Daily Competition Schedule (Update: version 1.3)
  3. Rio 2016; Progress update September 2015
  4. Rio 2016; Meet the mascots!
  5. London 2012; Transformation Olympic Stadium (8) – Roof structure almost finished
  6. Rio 2016; Font
  7. London 2012; Look of the Games
  8. 2016_Look of the Games
  9. Rio 2016; Olympic venues in Google Maps
  10. Rio 2016 Look of the Games (2)

Welcome to AotG 2.0!

New website online from today! /

This blog has moved from to a self-hosted site. This has numerous advantages. More flexibility, capacity, and……………no ads!!!! I’ll continue to improve this blog in the next weeks. In the meantime you are more than welcome to have a look around. For questions or recommendations (or if you find any errors) please contact me by using the contact form on the ‘About’ page.

Thank you for visiting AotG!

Followers and email subscribers:
Your subscription is transferred to the new website. You can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you for following Architecture of the Games.

Stats; 2014 in review

2014 was the first full-year of this blog and the visitor numbers have exceeded all expectations. Time for some stats!

aotg stats 2014 v3



  1. Sochi 2014; Patchwork quilt
  2. London 2012; Transformation Olympic Stadium (4)
  3. Sochi 2014; Official posters unveiled
  4. London 2012; Transformation Olympic Stadium (5)
  5. London 2012; Transformation Olympic Stadium (3)
  6. London 2012; Look of the Games
  7. London 2012; Pictograms
  8. Sochi 2014; Mountain Cluster
  9. Beijing 2008; Pictograms
  10. Rio 2016 Look of the Games (2)

AotG; Recent blog updates

aotg logo header news 2

A summary of recent changes:

For questions or recommendations please use the contact form on the ‘About‘ page.

AotG is now on Pinterest

pinterest logo aotg


Architecture of the Games is now on Pinterest! Pinterest is website were you can save, organize, share and discover visual bookmarks. I’ve already created a few boards with photos, maps and diagrams from this blog. More boards en pins will follow!

Join AotG at


Recent changes

Frequent visitors may have noticed some differences the last couple of weeks. A summary:

  • New page added with links to interesting websites (visit page)
  • Twitter username and name has changed to @archofthegames and ‘Arch. of the Games’. (follow this blog on Twitter!)
  • Some modifications to the sidebar on the right.
  • Updated ‘About’ page
  • Every Sunday an overview of the most read articles.

For questions or recommendations please use the contact form on the ‘About‘ page.

