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New website online from today! /
This blog has moved from to a self-hosted site. This has numerous advantages. More flexibility, capacity, and……………no ads!!!! I’ll continue to improve this blog in the next weeks. In the meantime you are more than welcome to have a look around. For questions or recommendations (or if you find any errors) please contact me by using the contact form on the ‘About’ page.
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A summary of recent changes:
For questions or recommendations please use the contact form on the ‘About‘ page.
Architecture of the Games is now on Pinterest! Pinterest is website were you can save, organize, share and discover visual bookmarks. I’ve already created a few boards with photos, maps and diagrams from this blog. More boards en pins will follow!
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Frequent visitors may have noticed some differences the last couple of weeks. A summary:
For questions or recommendations please use the contact form on the ‘About‘ page.
Today marks the 6 month anniversary of Architecture of the Games. Watch the new trailer:
Top posts in the past 6 months:
A map and list of all Olympic host cities has been added to the site. (go to page)