2026 Bid; The two stages of the new Candidature Process

The reformed Candidature Process for the 2026 Olympic Winter Games consists of two phases:

Dialogue Stage (September 2017 – October 2018)

The aim of the Dialogue Stage is to allow Interested Cities and NOCs to explore hosting opportunities and benefits on a collaborative basis together with the IOC. At the same time, it enables the IOC to gain an understanding of the key opportunities and risks of Interested Cities before inviting them to develop a comprehensive candidature concept and file.


Read more about the Dialogue Stage.


Candidature Stage (October 2018 – September 2019)

The aim of the Candidature Stage is to ensure the development of the best possible value propositions and robust Games delivery plans aligned with the Candidate Cities’ existing long-term development plans. Throughout the Candidatures Stage cities will work with the IOC to increase the value proposition of their Games delivery plans. This includes the development of a Games/Legacy plan aligned with the Candidate Cities’ existing long-term development plans, the submission of the Candidature File as described above, an analysis by the International Olympic Winter Sports Federations, IOC Technical Expert pre-visits and support and visits by the Evaluation Commission.


Read more about the Candidature Stage.


IOC Session Milan (September 2019)

During this Session, the host city for the 2026 Olympic Winter Games will be chosen.


Video new Candidature Process