Tokyo 2020; Video: Technology of Tokyo 2020 – From Robots to Driverless Cars

Technology of Tokyo 2020 | From Robots to Driverless Cars (LQ, e-Palette, APM)

Tokyo 2020 on YouTube
Introducing some of the most innovative technology you will see at Tokyo 2020; from mascot-type robots to self-driving cars!

In this video, we are introducing:
1. LQ by Toyota
2. Facial Recognition System for accreditation by NEC
3. Mascot-type Robot Miraitowa and Someity
4. Accessible People Mover (APM) by Toyota
5. Toyota Mirai
6. e-Palette by Toyota


INFO: This video contains content from International Olympic Committee, who has blocked it from display on other websites on copyright grounds. Therefor, links to this video will open in a new window/tab.