In 2020, Tokyo will host the XXXII Olympic Summer Games. The city also hosted the 1964 Olympics. Over the next years we’ll explore this fascinating and hectic metropolis in a serie of blog posts. Topics include: urban sprawl, architecture and infrastucture.
Magazine: MAS Context 24 / Tokyo
From the publisher:
Welcome to our Tokyo issue. This issue explores the value of embracing subjectivity and personal recordings of cities while exploring the biggest metropolitan area in the world. Guest edited by illustrator and editorial designer Luis Mendo, it builds upon his love for the city, the drawing event PauseDraw, and his continued exploration of the city through drawing. Through drawings by thirteen artists and words by another eight contributors, the issue ultimately reveals Tokyo’s built environment, its culture, its people, and some of the aspects that make it one of the most fascinating cities in the world.
Contributions by Lee Basford, Andrew Browne, Anselm Dästner, Christian Dimmer, Masaki Endoh, fala, Ghosttthead, Hama-House, Adrian Hogan, Andrew Joyce, Shu Kuge, Grace Lee, Chip Lord, Luis Mendo, Joey Meuross, Craig Mod, neji_maki_dori, David Robert, Terry Satomi, Mariya Suzuki, and Tama-chan.
This issue is guest edited by illustrator and editorial designer Luis Mendo.
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