Every Sunday a summary of the most important news in the run-up to Rio 2016.

- Largest athletes’ village in history ready to give guests a very Rio welcome [Rio2016]
- Rio de Janeiro with Google Earth [Google Earth Blog]
Rio2016 venues in Google Street View
Read more: Go inside the Rio 2016 Olympic Games venues… without leaving your armchair [Rio 2016]
General News
- World Health Organization to hold emergency meeting to discuss threat to Rio 2016 from Zika virus [Inside The Games]
- Rio 2016; Canada Olympic House by Moss & Lam art studio [AotG]
As Olympics Near, Violence Grips Rio’s ‘Pacified’ Favelas [NPR]
Paralympic Games
- IPC President: “Rio 2016 will be the best ever in terms of athletic performance” [IPC]
- 100 days until Paralympics celebrated around the world [IPC]
Metroline 4
- New metro line on track to open for Rio 2016 Olympic Games [Rio2016]
- Key coastal road expansion linking southern Rio to Barra Olympic Park opens [Rio2016]
- High-tech trams arrive in Rio de Janeiro city centre ahead of Olympic Games [Rio2016]
Read more about Rio2016
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- Look of the Games
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