Book recommendation; Otl Aicher – Guidelines and Standards for the Visual Design The Games of the XX Olympiad Munich 1972

From the publisher:

Guidelines and Standards for the Visual Design The Games of the XX Olympiad Munich 1972
Otl Aicher

German with booklet in English, French, Spanish, 22 Ausklappbögen / 44 pages, 22.5 / 63 x 30 cm, ring binder
ISBN 978-3-7212-0999-0
Release date: 10/2019


_First reprint ever of the original manual of most famous design for Olympic Games
_With booklet including all texts in English, French and Spanish
_Ring binder in original style with 22 foldout sheets
_Design concept set new standards for branding and corporate identity

Almost a quarter of a century after the end of National Socialism in Germany, Otl Aicher was commissioned to design the “cheerful” Olympic Games in Munich 1972. He systematically and scientifically approached this task and liberated visual communication from national pathos by reducing it to the essential in the Bauhaus sense: the use. The manual, completed in 1967, contains a flexible system of colors, forms and fonts that enabled Aicher’s team and partners to “play freely” and saved “unnecessary preparatory work and time-consuming detailed decisions”.

With the use of this kind of visual grammar more than 100 design areas were developped. They were successfull to create an extraordinary broad impact of the appearance and set new standards for branding and corporate design. Munich 1972 is still regarded as the most successful design project of all the Olympic Games.

You can order this book here.


Source: Braun Publishing AG / niggli Verlag

Book recommendation; Olympische Spiele: Architektur Und Gestaltung. Berlin – Munchen – Stuttgart (German)

From the publisher:

Olympische Spiele: Architektur Und Gestaltung. Berlin – Munchen – Stuttgart
Begleitbuch zur Ausstellung
Bearbeitet von Bohl, Peter / Friedrich, Markus

ISBN / Artikel-Nr: 978-3-17-036208-6
Auflage: 1. Auflage
Seiten: 192
Illustrationen etc.: 152 Abb.
Erschienen: 2018
Maße: 245mm x 215mm x 17mm


Die Olympischen Spiele der Neuzeit sind seit 1896 “das” Weltereignis des Sports. Als globale Medienereignisse stellen sie an Architektur und grafische Gestaltung höchste Anforderungen: der Auftritt muss unverwechselbar und “omnipräsent” sein. Der Katalog wird gemeinsam mit dem Institut für Sportgeschichte Baden-Württemberg e. V. präsentiert, das sein 25jähriges Bestehen feiert. Die Spiele von München 1972 sollten das Gegenmodell zu 1936 werden. Deutschland präsentierte sich weltoffen und modern. Dafür steht das Konzept der “visuellen Kommunikation” von Anton Stankowski und Otl Aicher. Bekannte Architekten aus dem Südwesten, Günter Behnisch, Frei Otto und Fritz Auer, waren in München beteiligt. Der Begleitband zur Ausstellung umfasst neben dem umfangreich bebilderten Katalogteil eine Einführung in die gesellschaftliche, architektonische und kulturelle Bedeutung der Spiele für den Südwesten.

Munich 1972; 360° Video Olympic Park

Sakis Gioumpasis 360 photography present The Olympic Park Munich In 360 Degree Panoramas

The Olympic Park Munich is an Olympic Park which was constructed for the 1972 Summer Olympics. Located in the Oberwiesenfeld neighborhood of Munich. Site of the 1972 Olympics, this landscaped park contains sport facilities, lakes, bicycle paths, concert venues, restaurants and a football stadium, as well as its landmark tent style roofs .The architecture firm of Guenther Behnisch and its partners developed a comprehensive master plan for the sports and recreation area, which was under construction from 1968 until 1972. All the project cost 1.35 billion German Marks to complete.Olympiapark has become one of Munich’s major tourist attractions.

Sakis Gioumpasis
360 Photography


Video by Sakis Gioumpasis on YouTube

Munich 1972; Memorial and new documentary


Photo: © 2016 Munich Memorial
Photo: © 2016 Munich Memorial

“The unique memorial will be strategically placed between the Olympic Village and Olympic Stadium in Munich, with a significant focus given to the biographies of each victim. The memorial will visualize and promote a deeper understanding of the events that transpired on September 5th and 6th of 1972.”

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Munich 1972; Frei Otto: Spanning the Future (Official Trailer 2016)


Frei Otto: Spanning The Future

This documentary profiles internationally-renowned architect and engineer, Frei Otto. Half a century ago, Otto became world famous as a pioneer in the design of tensile structures made from metal armatures and lightweight membranes. Otto’s work includes the Mannheim Multihalle, the Munich Zoo Aviary, the 1967 Montreal World Expo German Pavilion and co-design of the 1972 Munich Olympics Stadium.

For Otto, the mission of architecture is to be harmonious with nature. He believes every detail needs to be in agreement with the laws of the universe. This attempt to reconcile development with the natural world makes Frei Otto a prophet to the modern field of sustainability. Frei Otto saw as a given, that the earth has limited resources and humanity has almost unlimited needs. To efficiently solve the problem of shelter in a climate of constant shortages, Otto combined scientific experimentation with his fertile artistic imagination. Frei Otto’s true contribution to architecture and structural engineering has only been appreciated with the perspective of time. Contemporary architects including Zaha Hadid cite Frei Otto as having been a major influence on their work. They talk about Otto’s pioneering research on lightweight architecture; his early interest in the natural environment; his sense of social responsibility; and his foresight of the needs of the future. These elements—combined with Frei Otto’s compelling presence—have made him one of the most important architects of the 20th Century—and one of those whose ideas are still resonating in our own time. This trailer was produced by Simon K. Chiu, in collaboration with writer Michael Paglia, and director Joshua V. Hassel.


© 2015 Simon K. Chiu
& Tensile Evolution North America


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